On his website under the link Archive, under portraits and under music the 5th picture in
Lena Horne, singer, New York, June 6, 1958
Photograph by Richard Avedon
1) Primary subject matter: A portrait of a famous singer
2)Form: Color, Contrast, Space, Balance, and Scale.
3) Richard Avedon is best known for his large format portraits. The photograph I chose to anaylize was from his series of portraits called music. Its a Portrait of the famous singer and actress from the 50's Lena Horne. I have seen her preform and speak on an old episode of the Dean Martin show and episodes of Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In. She is such a strong singer and a strong woman, She is of Native American, African American and Caucasian descent and when she sang it was always really intense. She is still living in New York city at the age of 92. The interpretation that I get from this photograph is that Avedon is trying to portray Lena Horne as the strong icon that she is. He does it perfectly using the Color, Contrast, Space, Balance and Scale. The Photograph is Black and White which only adds to the historical aspect of the photograph. It makes it more classical and helps portray Lena Horne as the significant influence that she was in the 50's. There is also a lot of contrast in the photograph with her black dress and the white background, this helps her pop out of the photo and makes the photograph look so real. Although Avedon's are larger then life, you can't help but think they're so life like. The use of negative space in this photo creates the power of the photograph. The negative space keeps the focus all on Lena the subject. The photograph is very balanced and symmetrical, with an even amount of negative space on either side of Lena Horne the focal point of the photo. The Scale in this photograph usually very large, He photographed this Photo in his studio and photographed them with a large format 8x10 view camera. His prints are life like. Avedon is known for capturing peoples soles and personality's in his portraits. I think he does just that In this portrait of Lena Horne. He is capturing her looking just how I have seen her on stage singing, Her pose is very women empowering, and she doesn't look posed it is almost candid like when just walked in on her being her, which is what I love about his photographs you feel like you are seeing into the persons life and soul through his portraits.
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