Monday, September 21, 2009

Blog Entry # 3

Blog Entry# 3
Photographed by Man Ray
Le Violon d' Ingres, 1924
silver nitrate print with markings in pencil and Indian ink

A) Primary Subject matter: This is a centered photograph of the back of a women and part of her faces side profile.
B) Form: shape, color, contrast, balance, depth of field
C) This photograph expresses the body's unique ability to morph into other objects for example how Man Ray does just that in this photo turning a the back of a woman into a violin. Man Ray claimed to photograph like he painted transforming the subject as opposed to just documenting. He used shape in this piece perfectly to represent the guitar through positioning of the woman's body. The color or lack there of is an important part of the picture, the fact that it is black and white gives it a old, historical and painterly look. This helps the transformation of the picture and helps make it look like an old representation of a guitar. This photograph is very balanced and symmetrical. It also includes repetition with the F's also which helps in the balance of the photo, and it brings your eye directly to the focus which is the center of the photograph. The contrast of the black and white aspect of the photograph brings a lot of sharpness to the image. The darkness of the F's really helps them stand out and this finalizes the female body transforming into the guitar. The Depth of field of the photograph is shallow the background is out of focus, but her lower back is the sharpest portion of the photo. Man Ray quite successfully finds a way to combine his photography and his skill of painting to create his photos. He actually painted on this photograph after it was taken the F's that wind up completing the guitar body metamorphoses, he drew them in with black lead and painted them with Indian ink. This photograph is well thought out and very conceptual he is using the popular expression in French "to have an Ingres violin" which means a consuming hobby, which explains his attempt to express a women morphing into a violin. He winds up successfully portraying a woman who you would assume is taking on the role of a violinist being consumed by her craft.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Blog Entry # 2

Blog Entry# 2:
On his website under the link Archive, under portraits and under music the 5th picture in
Lena Horne, singer, New York, June 6, 1958
Photograph by Richard Avedon

1) Primary subject matter: A portrait of a famous singer

2)Form: Color, Contrast, Space, Balance, and Scale.

3) Richard Avedon is best known for his large format portraits. The photograph I chose to anaylize was from his series of portraits called music. Its a Portrait of the famous singer and actress from the 50's Lena Horne. I have seen her preform and speak on an old episode of the Dean Martin show and episodes of Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In. She is such a strong singer and a strong woman, She is of Native American, African American and Caucasian descent and when she sang it was always really intense. She is still living in New York city at the age of 92. The interpretation that I get from this photograph is that Avedon is trying to portray Lena Horne as the strong icon that she is. He does it perfectly using the Color, Contrast, Space, Balance and Scale. The Photograph is Black and White which only adds to the historical aspect of the photograph. It makes it more classical and helps portray Lena Horne as the significant influence that she was in the 50's. There is also a lot of contrast in the photograph with her black dress and the white background, this helps her pop out of the photo and makes the photograph look so real. Although Avedon's are larger then life, you can't help but think they're so life like. The use of negative space in this photo creates the power of the photograph. The negative space keeps the focus all on Lena the subject. The photograph is very balanced and symmetrical, with an even amount of negative space on either side of Lena Horne the focal point of the photo. The Scale in this photograph usually very large, He photographed this Photo in his studio and photographed them with a large format 8x10 view camera. His prints are life like. Avedon is known for capturing peoples soles and personality's in his portraits. I think he does just that In this portrait of Lena Horne. He is capturing her looking just how I have seen her on stage singing, Her pose is very women empowering, and she doesn't look posed it is almost candid like when just walked in on her being her, which is what I love about his photographs you feel like you are seeing into the persons life and soul through his portraits.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Blog Entry #1

Blog Entry #1
Photograph by Ben Gest
Sam & Jessica, 2002
Archival ink jet print: 40"x 41"

A) Primary Subject Matter:
Two women and dog in a bathroom that appear to be getting ready for the day.
B) Form:
I. Line-
Starting with the younger women in the left corner there is a line that moves up the page to the older women creating a diagonal that carries you through the photograph and out the top right of the photograph.
II. Contrast- This photo has a high contrast intensity that makes the in focus part of the photograph, like the two women and the reflection in the mirror sharp to the point where they almost pop out of the photograph.
III. Point of view- The point of view that you get in this photograph is that of a void er. You feel as if you are looking in on life as it's happening, and they don't know the camera is present.
IV. Focus- Focus is a big part of his process because when you look at the photo since it is so many photographs made into one there are various sections that are in focus.
V. Depth of field- Depth of field is also a big part of this photograph, there is both shallow and deep depth of field in this photograph because its taken from so many different angles, and is so many photos of the same put together to create one. It is actually really interesting to see all the different aspects and focus's of the photo.
D. I have attended a Ben Gest show and the photos are larger then life. He photographs families and couples in domestic settings creating narratives. Also after learning more about his works I better understand what he was trying to achieve. He's trying to tell a story of human life. Looking at his photos I felt as though there is something about them that's different but I couldn't really put my finger on it. Then I learned he photographs his subjects separately for example the two women in the photo were originally taken separately and then he digitally arranges the photographs into one photo creating his own reality. This causes the people in the photos to look some what emotionally disconnected and detached from each other. He alters proportion, focus and perspective.