Blog Entry # 5
Five books:
1) I AM FASHION fashion photography by Affandi Setiawan I liked how often in his book he had a photography go across two pages that were open, or how the picture on either page went together as if it were its own series inside of a series.
2) FASHION PORTRAIT photography by Wayne H Yu I like the story aspect of doing portraits like how he focuses on a few different models and then throughout his book he has at least two pages dedicated to them where he shows them as they are and then he transforms them in the other photo.
3) Jamie Nelson Photography fashion and beauty Volume 1 by Jamie Nelson I like how he incorporates the fashion aspect into his photos like how he has the shoes placed on the girls heads and the make up brush, the advertising aspect and his modernized retro looking photos is a nice addition.
4) Fashion Shows Vol 1 A Collection of Fashion & Beauty Photography by Images by Craig Stevens I find the candid aspect of the photos in this book to be intriguing, I also like the repetition he creates in the set up of some of his pages with the photographs, you feel like you are actually getting the full experience of the show.
5) NEW WAVE FASHION fashion photography by Santiago Jimenez the black and white in this book really helps unify the photographs and tell a story of a single model, using environmental portraiture.
Book proposal: I would like to incorporate a little aspect of each of these books into mine, I would like to explore some environmental portraiture since I worked with the studio in the last project. I'd like to try and tell a story with fashion photography. I'd also like to use candid photographs to add a more life like aspect to the book. I am trying to think of a story that I could try to portray in the book to give it more of a concept, one of the most interesting stories I can think of is the story of Gia Carangi life, a movie was made about it starring Angelina Jolie. I think it being personal and mainly featuring one model will make it more personal, like she is telling the story. The idea I have finally come up with is to through one model portray her everyday life, and how in her everyday life she never stops being the glamourous model that she is. For example striking a pose at the grocery store!